Saturday, October 24, 2009

blog 13

The article of clothing I chose to write about is my old football jersey. I keep in hanging in my room as a reminder of the times when my life was simpler.  All I had to worry about was getting good grades, high school crushes, and next week’s game. At the time it seemed the weight of the world was on my shoulders and every little thing was the end of the world. Looking back, however, I wish it were that easy today. Now I still have to get those good grades, factor in a full time job which usually requires well over 40 hours a week, a mother and sister who definitely require well over 40 hours, and whatever is left over for my personal life (yea right).  I am not complaining. I love my life and my family and wouldn’t change any of it. But, every time I look at that jersey I am reminded that although things seem like a big deal today in a few years they’ll be nothing more than a fond memory

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