Saturday, December 12, 2009

Blog #24; course evaluation

Course Evaluation/Reflection

1. Meeting course objectives
Course objectives
Learn to recognize and use strategies & conventions commonly found in cnf including: reflection, segmentation, narrative voice, use of scenes, dialog, character development, and detailed description, movement between the subject at hand and a personal, reflective perspective focused on a concept
Develop an invention process based in writing
Develop/extend revising process
Explore different forms for CNF
What did you learn in this course?
I learned a few things in this course, with one being about myself. I learned about a form of writing that I thought was non-existent. At first, it wasn’t quite comprehensible, but as time progressed, It became clear. The second thing I learned was that I have the potential, with enough practice and time to become a good writer
About the form of CNF?
I learned that the form on CNF is a genre of writing truth using literary styles to create factually accurate narratives. For a text to be considered creative nonfiction, it must be factually accurate, and written with attention to style and technique. Ultimately.
What did you learn about how to write CNF?
The form of CNF is very unique, and based upon the short stories that we read, can be written in different forms, take for example, the story “out there”
About where to publish/find publishing venues for your creative writing?
Upon looking at the different publication venues, I learned that there are plenty of different styles with different objectives to each writing based on what the publication asks for
Did you change anything /try anything different in your writing process? Please describe.
Nothing out the ordinary from trying to meet the expectation of writing my essays to a CNF standard
Which class assignments/class experiences helped you learn whatever you learned?
Essay 4: writing about a place. It taught, and made me realize that my past experiences could be the reason why I cannot let go of that place.
What do you wish the course spent more time on?
Elaborating on the definition of CNF
What do you wish we'd spent less time on?

2. Structure of course/assignments
writing journal
writing assignments
exploration of publication venues
Right pace/schedule?
Both of the pace and the schedule were fine in the beginning, but felt as if the whole world came down towards the ending of the course. A lot of work with what felt like little to no time
Coherence of material?
the material was very coherent, keeping a balanced dose of essays that were written in a CNF format
Workload => Too much, too little, just right? What would you change?
The workload was not too much, it was actually just right. I just feel as if it should have been evenly spread out more. As I said earlier, I felt like the whole world came down on me during the end with all the writting
Cover material appropriate to course goals?
Yes, In my opinion, it was just right
Enough feedback for grades?
Yes, more than sufficient feedback to change any paper from a D to an A

3. Provisions for feedback/grades
Forms of evaluation + feedback
comments/grades for blogs
comments from classmates
reading aloud from journals + class discussion
conferences with professor on papers
group work with classmates on papers
written feedback/grades on papers
reflective writing about your work (in you journal, on your blog)
Which form of feedback was most helpful?
Both physical, and email were very helpful when it came to making corrections to a paper, but if I had to choose one, it would have to be the conferences. It made things clearer as far as what you were looking for because I had a chance to see facial expressions when making certain points
Which did you enjoy most?
The conferences
Any which you felt was unproductive?>
What would you do more of?
Write the essays better from a reader’s perspective and make sure everything is clarified
What would you do less of?
Did you feel the grading system was fair?
Did the grades/grading system contribute to learning?
If Im reading the question properly, my answer would have to be no

4. General response
Is there anything you could tell me that would help me teach a better/more engaging course?
I am not trying to brownnose, or earn brownie points by saying this, but I believe you did everything just right.

Anything you want to say about your experience of the course?
I never knew I had the potential, based on your comments, to write such moving essays. It was the BEST English class ive taken to date.

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